- microfiche reader
- аппарат для чтения микрофиш
English-Russian library and information terminology dictionary. 2014.
English-Russian library and information terminology dictionary. 2014.
microfiche reader — noun An optical device which illuminates frames of microfiche and projects an enlarged image onto a screen to be read by the user • • • Main Entry: ↑microfiche … Useful english dictionary
Microfiche reader — Читальный аппарат для микрофиш … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
microfiche — noun A sheet of microfilm, six by four inches, holding several hundred reduced images of document pages; read using a microfiche reader or microfilm reader … Wiktionary
reader — ► NOUN 1) a person who reads. 2) a person who assesses the merits of manuscripts submitted for publication. 3) (Reader) Brit. a university lecturer of the highest grade below professor. 4) a book containing extracts of a text or texts for… … English terms dictionary
reader — [rēd′ər] n. 1. a person who reads 2. a person appointed or elected to read lessons, prayers, etc. aloud in church: cf. LECTOR 3. a person who reads and evaluates manuscripts for a publication 4. short for PROOFREADER 5. a person who records the… … English World dictionary
reader — Synonyms and related words: Bible clerk, Bible reader, Boanerges, Flexowriter typewriter, Teleplotter, abecedarium, abecedary, achromatic lens, acolyte, acolytus, almoner, alphabet book, alphabetical printer, anagnost, assistant, assistant… … Moby Thesaurus
reader — noun 1》 a person who reads. 2》 a person who reports to a publisher on the merits of manuscripts submitted for publication. 3》 (Reader) Brit. a university lecturer of the highest grade below professor. 4》 short for lay reader. 5》 a book containing … English new terms dictionary
microfiche — Synonyms and related words: Flexowriter typewriter, Teleplotter, alphabetical printer, apograph, bulletin board, carbon, carbon copy, card, catalog card, digital graph plotter, disc, fiche, file, filing card, film, hard copy, index card, library… … Moby Thesaurus
Microfilm reader — is a device used for reading of documents stored as microform. Microform includes Flat Film, Microfilm, Aperture Cards, Microfiche, and ultra fiche. Using open reels or cassettes, Microfilm is often used as a way to store many documents in a… … Wikipedia
Foto-Mem — Inc. was a US company that attempted to introduce very large computer memory systems based on optical storage on microfiche cards. An alternate product line based on the same mechanical systems allowed a single microfiche card to be displayed on… … Wikipedia
Dark Star (film) — Dark Star Theatrical poster Directed by John Carpenter Produced by John Carpenter … Wikipedia